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Mouthguards in Tempe

Type of MouthGuards And How They Protect Your Teeth?

Are you an athlete or someone who grinds teeth at night? If so, you may be putting your pearly whites in danger. Luckily, mouthguards are a cost-effective and easy solution to protect your teeth from damage. But with so many different types of mouthguards available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. In this blog post, we’ll break down the various types of mouthguards and how they work to keep your smile shining bright. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of mouth protection!

Types of Mouthguards

There are several types of mouthguards available on the market. The most common type is the boil-and-bite mouthguard, which can be found at most sporting goods stores. These mouthguards are made from a thermoplastic material that softens when boiled in water and then moulds to your teeth as you bite down.

Another type of mouthguard is the custom-made mouthguard, which is created by a Dentist Tempe & orthodontist. This type of mouthguard provides a more precise fit and offers better protection than boil-and-bite options.

For those who wear braces, there are specially designed orthodontic mouthguards that provide additional protection for both the teeth and braces themselves.

There are also night guards for those who grind their teeth while they sleep. These guards help prevent tooth damage caused by grinding and clenching.

No matter what kind of activity you’re doing or the dental issue you’re facing, there’s likely a type of mouthguard that will fit your needs. It’s important to choose one that fits properly and feels comfortable in order to ensure maximum protection for your teeth.

How do Mouthguards Protect Your Teeth?

Mouthguards are an essential piece of equipment for anyone who plays sports or engages in high-impact physical activities. They can protect your teeth from damage and reduce the risk of injuries to your mouth, jaw, and face. But how do they actually work?

Mouthguards work by cushioning the impact of a blow to your mouth, distributing the force across a larger area instead of concentrating it on one spot. This reduces the risk of tooth fractures, chips, or even knockouts.

In addition to protecting your teeth from direct impacts, mouthguards also act as shock absorbers that can help prevent concussions and other head injuries. By absorbing some of the force caused by sudden movements or collisions with other players, they reduce the amount of stress that reaches your brain.

Some types of mouthguards also improve your breathing and muscle function while you play sports or exercise. By promoting proper alignment between your jaws and improving airflow through your airways, these specialized devices can enhance athletic performance while reducing fatigue and discomfort.

Wearing a properly fitted mouthguard is an excellent way to protect yourself from serious dental injuries while engaging in physical activity. Whether you’re playing football, basketball or any contact sport where falls happen frequently – don’t put off getting this important gear!

Which Mouthguard is the Best for You?

When it comes to choosing the best mouthguard for you, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, if you’re an athlete or someone who participates in contact sports like football or basketball, then a custom-fitted mouthguard is highly recommended as it provides better protection than over-the-counter options.

For those who grind their teeth at night (bruxism), a night guard is essential. Within the domain of Braces (Orthodontia), a personalized one can be crafted by a dentist to fit securely and comfortably on your teeth, guarding them against grinding.

If you have braces or dental work like bridges, talk to your orthodontist & Tempe dentist about which type of mouthguard would be suitable for you. Some types may not fit correctly with your dental appliances and could cause more harm than good.

It’s also important to choose the right level of thickness and material for your mouthguard based on the activity you’ll be doing. For instance, thinner guards made from materials like silicone are ideal for low-impact activities such as yoga or cycling.

Remember that investing in the best mouthguard suited for your needs will help protect both your teeth and overall oral health long-term.

How to Care for Your Mouthguards

Caring for your mouthguard is crucial to ensure it lasts long and provides the necessary protection for your teeth. Here are a few tips on how to keep your mouthguard in top condition:

1. Clean it after every use: Rinse your mouthguard with cool water and use a toothbrush with non-abrasive toothpaste or mild soap to clean it thoroughly.

2. Store it properly: Keep your mouthguard in its protective case when not in use, as this will prevent damage from dust, debris, and bacteria.

3. Avoid exposing it to high temperatures: Don’t leave your mouthguard under direct sunlight or hot water as this can cause deformation or melting.

4. Replace when necessary: Mouthguards should be replaced every six months or when they become damaged or worn out.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your mouthguard stays clean, comfortable, and effective at protecting your teeth during physical activity.

Mouthguards are essential in protecting your teeth from damage and injury. They come in different types, depending on the kind of protection that you need. Custom-made mouthguards are perfect for athletes who engage in contact sports, while boil-and-bite mouthguards provide a more affordable option for recreational use.

Stock mouthguards can also work as an interim solution before getting a custom-fit one. No matter what type of mouthguard you choose to use, always make sure that it fits comfortably and provides adequate protection.

Remember to clean your mouthguard regularly to prevent bacterial growth and prolong its lifespan. With proper care, it can last up to several months or even years.

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